Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 1 English Subtitles Windy Hill

On which day and on which channel is Rüzgarlı Tepe aired? Who are the actors of the windy Hill series ? What is the topic of the series?

Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 1 English Subtitles

In the TV series Rüzgarlı Tepe, Zeynep, the smart, well-behaved and ladylike daughter of her family, is someone who is set as an example by everyone in the town.

But Zeynep has an unknown side, and that is that she has a warrior spirit. Halil, on the other hand, is a young man who lost his parents at a young age and grew up with his aunt for years with the sadness and grudge of this.

Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 1 English Subtitles

The paths of Halil, who stepped into a painful life at a young age and constantly struggles with difficulties, and Zeynep, who lies a true free warrior beneath her princess profile, cross paths.

Halil, who lives for his family, and Zeynep, who lives despite his family, are unknowingly caught up in the vortex of love, and no matter how much they avoid each other, their paths always intersect.

Will their love be able to keep Zeynep and Halil alive on this path where every step they take and every decision they make will have consequences?

Ruzgarli Tepe Episode 1 Release Date

New episode date: Monday, January 1
Day and time: Weekdays 21:15
New episode no: 1

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